Monday, June 22, 2009

Bugs and Anything else

Brown Thumb Mama has a great blog.

It reminded me that sometimes two things that seemingly have nothing in common really work well together. Like Bugs and anything else! Have some pictures I found.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Red White and Blue.

Captain America still needs your help!


Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So its my birthday..

This Sunday the 14th I'll be celebrating my birthday while I work. The day before is my party. As a little tribute to myself I made a internet wish list at Amazon. I often have seen these posted for internet celebrities as well as webmistresses. That in itself is kinda silly. Now without much resistance at all I join that small group of people.

Monday, June 8, 2009

Bucky O Hare......Banana Oil!

This is a little something I worked on with Warlock. We kind of hope it becomes a series. Enjoy.

Comment now! Comment now! Comment now!!!!1!

Friday, May 29, 2009

The Thing About Gamestop

I wanted to write a little piece on Gamestop. I worked there and I wondered why some people really hated the store. Since, I had an inside view I never knew the problems people saw inside it. Now I know, and this video is going to explain it to you right now.

Tell me what you think.

Sunday, May 17, 2009


Weapons. A main stay of video games, movies, and TV. In video games weapons get elaborate and creative. They to a lesser degree are complicated in TV shows. From the Klingons to the Cloud Strife's, weapons seem to be the name of the game. If you could make a list of the five most awesome weapons, be them complicated or simple, what would they be?

These can be weapons from any genre. This means video games, comics, animes, movies, rpg books, and any other source imaginable.

First, honorary mention goes to the Scythe. The grim reapers weapon will not be forgotten. Its one of the coolest weapons of all time.

5th goes to the Proton Pack.
This thing kills ghosts and most likely humans too. Don't cross the streams.

4th place is the Tazo Blades.
I thought these bad boys were awesome for any hunter of the supernatural.

3rd has got to be the Light-saber. I prefer the light-whip. Jedi's in general are cool but only half as hardcore without the searing blade of death. Also the beam katana is in this category as well.

2nd favorite weapon of mine is Freeze Boomerang. Link can hit opponents with it from a distance and efficiently dispatch them.

1st favorite weapon is the Claw and gauntlet attached to both arms. With armor to protect and a blade on top of both hands the assailant can both parry and attack easily.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Downloadable Content

DLC. A new facet of video gaming that quickly is becoming a popular trend among game companies. For those that don't know what downloadable content is, its video games stuff that sits on the internet waiting to be grabbed by ambitious gamers. The content could come from Steam, WiiWare, XboxLive Arcade or the PS3 Market. So, in the most simple terms its stuff you buy off the Internet that goes into your games or systems.

As players, should we like having to buy more stuff through online services though? In a viral about mmo's AngryJoe mentioned how if he already has paid for a game once, he shouldn't have to pay for it again. Watch that here.

There is a deep truth in that idea. Once a game is made, I like to think its complete and the full experience is happily waiting for me inside. The idea though is gaming companies provide more content which is supposed to be worth the dollar price you pay. That may come in the form of ongoing service to an online game such as World of Warcraft or a new expansion to a console game like GTA4. Then there is WiiWare which lets you buy whole games off of it to have and play.

The honest question Im asking would be, "Is it worth it? I've heard many pro's and cons for both sides. I like downloading games from WiiWare, yet I sincerely dislike that there isn't a discount for spending more money on more points. Its good to know Bethesda puts out more content for Fallout 3. However, if the product is buggy its definitely not worth it.

However, buggy or not downloadable content can be frighteningly awesome. Playing new area's, getting new items, and killing new monsters gets my blood going.

Now, take it all in, run both sides of the argument in your brain and then spit a choice back out of your mouth in my comments section. I want to know how others feel when it comes to DLC.